"I took the step of having an AuraTransformation on my 37th birthday in February 2016.  One of the main things that motivated me to have one was the fact that Complex PTSD (a condition characterised by emotional, rather than visual flashbacks as with PTSD) had ruled most of my life as a result of emotional, physical and sexual abuse in childhood and adolescence.  Although I understood it was not going to be a miracle cure for my symptoms, I think more than anything I had got to a stage of my life where I wanted to know who I would have been if my life hadn’t gone off track so many times through lack of confidence, toxic relationships and lack of assertiveness.  From the moment I first heard Sarah speak about AuraTransformation I knew it was for me – it made absolute sense to me and I trusted Sarah completely.  On the first day I had the first session I already felt the demons in my head had been subdued, if not completely silenced, and the power to observe, rather than live in my thoughts became something I no longer had a choice about. So, every time I reverted to a negative or self deprecating thought, my higher self would, and still does, step in to examine the truth and question the validity of the thought or fear. 

Over the last 4 months since I had my AuraTransformation, big changes and discoveries in my life that might at one time have been devastating have just felt completely natural and right – for example, being willing to accept I was gay and making a big career change are both things that the universe has been ready and waiting to help me with, but first I needed to love myself enough to peel back layers of conditioning, self loathing and people pleasing to truly find and celebrate the real me. When Sarah describes the process as ‘becoming more you’ it is absolutely spot on.  Nothing I’ve experienced has been too much to handle, in fact everything has been so much easier and more natural than the way I was living before...which looking back was characterised by trying even harder at things I thought I ‘should’ do or should be good at.

Now I feel I know what it really means to have your own back and truly love and celebrate yourself for who you really are and were always meant to be.  I think you know if AuraTransformation is for you the minute you hear about it and have that certainty in your heart that it’s for you.  I will undoubtedly write a much longer and more profound testimonial once 12 months have passed and I am fully integrated into my new crystal aura, but for now I will just say that if you’re considering it, I can truly say that Sarah is the best person I can imagine to take that journey with.  She is supportive, compassionate and an exceptionally powerful healer with a true divine spark.  If you feel, like I felt, that you have lived your life at half mast and never truly blossomed into the person you feel you could have been, an AuraTransformation could very well be the best decision you make in your life.  Even better, as you regain your energy and personal magnetism as the months progress, people will notice and comment that you look ten years younger without you even trying!  So in a sense it is as if your body resets itself and gives you back some time to emerge from the chrysalis and enjoy living in your full power.   I hope this will help anyone who has had similar challenges see that AuraTransformation can be part of the way out of self imprisonment and towards a happier future.

When I work with you I put myself in service to you, I become a mirror for you. I believe we are here to help each other coach our spiritual energy into the Now.

You are an inspiration to me and I would love to hear your stories even if you have not had an AuraTransformation™ and I may have inspired you on the way. So, please contact me privately to share your thoughts or join in with comments on my facebook page.

Many wonderful thanks to you.
— Sarah J